
Musik Kommentera inlägget
Låten betyder ju verkligen nånting.
Gillade verkligen den här låten när jag såg filmen, Jag saknar dig, så jag kände mig lite tvungen att hitta den. Det var ju nu inte så svårt och jag kommer säkert att lyssna sönder den på nolltid, men det är den värd. Nu tänker jag dela med mig också, så lyssna och njut.

Are you frightened, 'cause I'm frightened 
Earth's a shambles and we are just making it worse 
Short of breath, short of time 
We got to act before it's too late 
Do we lay, down and die 
I don't want to, want to hide 
It's our world, it's our life 
What I want is to turn the tide

Are you ready to turn the tide?

We're killing each other in the name of god 
We're killing god in every one of us 
Someone's got to make it stop 
Forget our fear remember how to trust 
I won't lay, down and die 
I'm not running, I won't hide 
Isn't this, our own life? 
I'm gonna u need you 'round to turn the tide

Are you willing to turn the tide? 
Oh, help me to turn the tide

I'm only asking you please to see 
The souls underneath, they aren't different from me 
Down deep, they cry they bleed 
I'm only asking you please to see 
The souls underneath, they aren't different from me 
Down deep, they cry they bleed

Are you frightened, 'cause I'm frightened too 
But I'm ready to turn the tide

Sofia - Uddevallas största modeblogg!

Allt bra idag? :)

2011-10-25 | 16:41:58

Kom ihåg mig?

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